Take Highway #2 North, go past the 'Carstairs-Crossfield-Acme overpass' and take the 'Carstairs overpass,' go West (left) into Carstairs, go through the first set of lights and over the train track then turn North (right) on 10th ave. Follow 10th avenue out of town. 1km North of town the road takes a 90 degree bend to the West from that bend we are 13km (8 miles) the shop is located on the South (left) side of the road. There is a Sled Parlor sign at the Driveway. If you pass Range Road 2.5 you have gone too far.
Take Highway #2 South to Carstairs overpass then follow the directions above.
* Please make sure you have made an appointment before coming out.
Call us at 403-337-4093
Last updated - January 5, 2020
Carstairs, Alberta, Canada
Website Design by - LeadOn Consulting